Ununoctium is a synthetic element that is classified as a metal. It is a very heavy and unstable element that falls within the metal category of the Periodic Table.
Thiamin is not a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid. It is a water-soluble vitamin that belongs to the B-complex group of vitamins.
Silicon is considered a metalloid. It exhibits properties of both metals and nonmetals.
Lutetium is a metal. It is a rare earth metal that is part of the lanthanide series on the periodic table.
Plastic is a type of material known as a polymer, which is a nonmetal in terms of its composition. It is not classified as a metal or a metalloid (semimetal).
Neptunium beryllide is a metal. Beryllide compounds typically consist of beryllium and another metal, in this case neptunium, making it a metallic compound.
Ununoctium is considered a nonmetal. Ununoctium is supposed to be a noble gas.
Uranium is a metal, rather than a nonmetal, or metalloid.
Nails are metal.
Silicon is a metalloid.
Carbon is a nonmetal.
It is a metal.