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Xenon is a noble gas in with the electrone of outermost orbit are balanced than the xenon cannot make ionic bond with another element such as Oxygen because if it make an ionic bond than the electron of the outer most orbit are unstable therefore it make an covalent bond with oxygen to fill the outer most unbalance electron of oxygen by sharing electron to form (xenon oxide) (xenon dioxide) and also with floride to form (xenon difloride) etc.

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Ashok Gulliya

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Xenon hexafluoride is a covalent compound. It is formed by sharing of electrons between Xenon and Fluorine atoms, as opposed to ionic compounds where there is a transfer of electrons from one atom to another.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Xenon hexafluoride is a covalent compound.

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Q: Is Xenon hexafluoride a covalent or ionic compound?
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No, XeF4 is not an ionic compound. It is a covalent compound, as xenon and fluorine share electrons to form chemical bonds in the molecule.

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XeF2 is not an ionic compound, as it consists of covalent bonds between xenon and fluorine atoms. Xenon forms covalent bonds with the fluorine atoms by sharing electrons, resulting in a molecular compound with a linear structure.

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No, chlorine and xenon do not form an ionic compound. Xenon is a noble gas and does not readily form ionic bonds with other elements.

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