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Taking coal to contain 50 percent carbon, which combines with oxygen during burning to form CO2, we can arrive at 1.83 kg CO2 for every 1 kg of coal burned. Another way to put it, taking the efficiency of power stations into account, is that 950 grams of CO2 is evolved for every KWh of electricity produced. Note that for natural gas it is more like 600 g per KWh for natural gas powered plants.

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4mo ago

Burning one ton of coal can produce approximately 2.86 tons of CO2. This can vary based on the type of coal and its carbon content. Additionally, factors such as combustion efficiency and the presence of carbon capture technology can influence the amount of CO2 produced.

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Q: How much CO2 is produced from burning coal?
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How much CO2 will be produced by combustion of 2231 kg of coal?

The amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced from burning coal varies depending on the type of coal and the combustion efficiency. On average, burning one ton (1000 kg) of coal produces around 2.86 tons of CO2. Therefore, for 2231 kg of coal, the approximate CO2 emissions would be around 6.38 tons.

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Pure coal (?) , None, just CO2.

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The word equation for burning coal is: coal + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + heat

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The word equation for burning coal is: Coal + Oxygen -> Carbon Dioxide + Water + Heat

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Can you use a gas syringe to measure the amount of CO2 gas is produced when burning coal or will the syringe melt?

A gas syringe can typically measure the amount of CO2 produced from burning coal without melting, as it is designed to withstand high temperatures. However, it is important to check the specific temperature range that the syringe can tolerate before using it in a high-temperature environment like burning coal. It is always recommended to use equipment that is designed for such applications to ensure accurate measurements and safety.

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C +o2 = co2

When coal burns with air what is produced?

Carbon dioxide (CO2).

How does burning coal affect the amount of carbon dioxide in the earths atmosphere?

Burning coal releases carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. Since CO2 is a greenhouse gas, it traps heat and contributes to global warming and climate change. The increased levels of CO2 from burning coal contribute to the enhanced greenhouse effect, leading to rising temperatures and other environmental impacts.

What gas is produced when coal and oil are burned?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced when coal and oil are burned. This greenhouse gas contributes to global warming and climate change.

How much carbon dioxide is produced from 1 MWh of electricity that is generated by coal?

1 tonne of coal produce 1.83 tonnes of carbon dioxide when burned 1 tonne of coal generates 2.4 MWhours 0.416 tonne of coal generates 1 MWh 0.416 tonne of coal times 1.83 tonnes of CO2/tonne of coal = 0.7625 tonnes of CO2 are produced from 1 MWh of electricity generated by coal