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Mix RP with dH20. Make sure you chill it in a ice water bath and add iodine crystals.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Hydriodic acid can be made by reacting iodine with red phosphorus in water. The chemical equation is: P4 + 6I2 + 12H2O -> 4H3PO3 + 12HI. This process releases hydrogen iodide gas which can be dissolved in water to form hydriodic acid.

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Acid and base that makes potassium iodide?

To make potassium iodide, you would need to first react iodine with potassium hydroxide. This will create potassium iodate, which can then be reduced to potassium iodide using a reducing agent like sulfur dioxide or hydriodic acid.

An acid with 2 H's equals what acid?

Here's a small list of common acids. Just because it my be H2 doesnt make it a acid though. Hope this helps a little bit! Hydrochloric Acid=HCl Hydrobromic Acid=HBr Hydriodic Acid=HI Hydrofluoric Acid=HF Nitric Acid=HNO3 Sulfuric Acid=H2SO4 Perchloric Acid=HClO4 Acetic Acid=HC2H3O­2

Where can you buy boric acid iodine and bran for corn removal?

You can typically find boric acid and iodine at most pharmacies or drugstores. Bran can be purchased at health food stores, some grocery stores, or online retailers. Make sure to consult with a healthcare professional before using these substances for corn removal.

What does hydrogen and iodine make?

Hydrogen and iodine react to form hydrogen iodide (HI) gas. This is a binary compound that is used in organic synthesis and as a reducing agent.

What if alegetic to iodine?

If you are allergic to iodine, you should avoid consuming foods high in iodine or using products that contain iodine. Make sure to inform your healthcare providers about your allergy so they can provide you with alternative options. In case of severe reactions, seek medical help immediately.

What elements make iodine?

Iodine is an element

What kind of atoms make up the compound iodine?

Iodine is not a compound. It is an element. Therefore, it has its own atoms: Iodine atoms.

What elements make up the compound potassium iodine?

Potassium and Iodine

Does iodine make your teeth shine?

Iodine does not make your teeth shine. In fact, iodine can stain your teeth and cause discoloration if used in excessive amounts. It is not recommended to use iodine for dental purposes.

Why iodoacetic acid is more acidic than other acids in vapour state?

Iodoacetic acid is more acidic than other acids in the vapor state because the presence of the iodine atom effectively stabilizes the conjugate base formed after donating a proton. This stabilization is due to the size and electronegativity of the iodine atom, which helps to delocalize the negative charge and make the conjugate base more stable, resulting in a stronger acid.

How do you make sherbet without using citrus acid or lemon juice?

use oranges

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Concentrated HCl is typically 12M (or 12N), and it is prepared by diluting it in 1 part to 5 parts water. (ie: 100ml to 500 ml). In other words, using the conservation of volume equation M1V1 = M2V2 , where M = concentration and V = volume.