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3mo ago

Yes, molten sulfur expands when heated due to the increase in thermal energy causing the sulfur molecules to move more rapidly and occupy a larger volume.

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What is molten sulfur?

Molten sulfur is sulfur that has been heated to its melting point, which is around 115°C. At this temperature, sulfur changes from a solid state to a liquid state. Molten sulfur is commonly used in industrial processes such as sulfuric acid production and as a component in certain chemicals.

Is molten sulfur red?

No, molten sulfur is typically a bright yellow color, not red. When sulfur is heated to its melting point it turns into a yellow liquid before solidifying again.

What are the three states of sulfur?

The three states of sulfur are solid (as a yellow crystal), liquid (molten sulfur), and gas (sulfur vapor).

What is the color of a sulfur?

Sulfur (or sulphur) is a yellow solid at room temperature and a red liquid when molten.

Is molten lava burning sulfur?

Lava is actually just rock in its liquid form - it's not sulfur. If it were, you would know it because at the temperature of lava, it burns and produces the nasty-smelling gas sulfur dioxide. You'll start gagging and coughing from the smell when you get anywhere near a molten-sulfur flow.

Is molten sulphur a conductor?

No, molten sulfur is not a good conductor of electricity because it does not contain freely moving charged particles (ions) that can carry an electric current.

How do you make heat proof sulfur?

Heatproof sulfur can be made by adding a small amount of tannic acid to molten sulfur. The tannic acid helps to stabilize the sulfur's properties and prevent it from igniting or becoming reactive at high temperatures.

What is the texture of sulfur?

Sulfur exists in different forms, with varying textures. Common yellow sulfur is typically found as a brittle crystalline solid resembling a powder or solid grains. When molten, sulfur has a smooth, viscous texture.

Is sulfur in pink glass?

Yes, sulfur can be used in the creation of pink glass. When sulfur is added in small amounts to molten glass, it can create a pinkish hue due to its interaction with other elements in the glass composition.

Why molten sulfur can't conduct electricity but molten copper chloride can?

Molten sulfur consists of S8 molecules that do not have free-moving charge carriers, so they cannot conduct electricity. On the other hand, molten copper chloride dissociates into Cu+ and Cl- ions, which are free to move and carry electrical charge, making it capable of conducting electricity.

Is using oxygen to separate molten copper sulfide into copper sulfur dioxide a physical change?

no it is a chemical change

Is Using oxygen to separate molten copper sulfide into copper and sulfur dioxide a physical change?

No, using oxygen to separate molten copper sulfide into copper and sulfur dioxide is a chemical change because new substances with different chemical properties are formed. This process involves a chemical reaction where the copper sulfide is broken down into copper and sulfur dioxide molecules.