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The main advantage of the Euler method is that it's one of, if not the most basic numerical method of numerically integrating ordinary differential equations. A downside however is that it can sometimes have a tendancy to be unstable unless you take stupidly small steps in the algorithm, in cases like this there are some other methods that work better.

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Q: Advantage and disadvantage of the Euler method for numerical integration?
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What are the applications of runge kutta method?

The Runge-Kutta method is one of several numerical methods of solving differential equations. Some systems motion or process may be governed by differential equations which are difficult to impossible to solve with emperical methods. This is where numerical methods allow us to predict the motion, without having to solve the actual equation.

What is the integral of x sin pi x?

The method to use is 'integration by parts'; set u =x; du=dx; dv = sin(pi x)dx; v = cos(pi x)/pi. so integral(u dv) = u*v - integral(v du) then repeat the process.

What are the limitations of regula falsi method?

Limitations of Regular falsi method: Investigate the result of applying the Regula Falsi method over an interval where there is a discontinuity. Apply the Regula Falsi method for a function using an interval where there are distinct roots. Apply the Regula Falsi method over a "large" interval.

How does calculus work?

Primarily through differentiation and integration. Differentiation is finding the slope of a function at a specific point. This is the slope of the line that is tangent to that particular point on the line. For instance, an equation of a line may be given as y=2*x+5. We have a y-intercept at 5, and if you've seen this in school, you see that the slope is 2, the number in front of the x. As a child, you are only told to take the number in front of the x, but what they don't tell you is that taking the derivative of this function gives you 2. Notice that in this example, the slope is constant because it's a straight line. The slope is 2 everywhere. Integration is finding the area under a curve. This is done by adding up little rectangular strips under the curve. Little rectangles may not fit very well under the curve, so when added up, the area will have some error. Integration is a mathematical method of making those little strips infinitely small, so when you add them all up, you don't have any significant error.

What are the advantages of gauss elimination method?

There are no answer for that..

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