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John P. Holland is credited with inventing the first modern submarine and is considered the father of modern submarines.

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Q: Who invented the first modern submarine?
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Which was invented first a motorcycle submarine or airship?

The submarine was the first to be invented, but was also the last of those three to be developed into an effective vehicle.

Who invented the modern submarine?

The modern submarine was invented by John Phillip Holland. He callled it the Holland 1. He tested it in the passaic river in Paterson , New Jersey. Before inventing that he was a teacher in St. John Catholic school.

Who invented the submarine in ww1?

The first submarine wasn't invented in World War 1 but was invented in 1773 in the Revolutionary War by David Bushnell. It was called the Turtle.

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There were many different technological advances in the 1860s. The submarine was invented, the first transatlantic telegraph cable was created between Europe and America, dynamite was invented, and the modern periodic table was developed.

What did David Bushnell invert?

He Invented The First Submarine And It Was Made Out Of Wood.

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The first time bomb was invented at Yale University. It was invented by David Bushnell and used in the first submarine used in combat.

Who invented the submarins bout?

The inventor of the first submarine was John P. Holland.

What are some inventions that were invented in 1610-1620?

Corneleus Drebbel Invented The First Man Powered Submarine In 1620.

First president to travel underwater in a modern submarine?

Harry S. Truman

What is the name of the person who invented the submarine?

a Dutchmen named Hans Lippershey who invented the submarine in 1608.

What things made Civil war America's first modern war?

it used the first submarine in battle

What did John Philip Holland invent?

He invented the submarine, something like an underwater boat, if you don't know what it is. John Philip Holland developed the first submarine to be formally commissioned by the U.S. Navy, and the first Royal Navy submarine, the Holland.