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An analogy for flagella might be a fish. the fishes tail propels it forward.

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Q: What are some analogies for flagella?
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What are some analogies?

synonym analogies are like huge is to big cruel is to mean thick is to fat

Are there flagella on plant cells?

Generally not, although some plant sperm do have flagella.

Do eukaryotic cells contain flagella?

Yes, some eukaryotic cells contain flagella. These flagella are longer and less numerous than those found in prokaryotic cells, and they are involved in cell motility. Examples of eukaryotic cells with flagella include sperm cells and some types of protists.

What are some analogies for the plot of a story?

You'll have to come up with your own analogies. Writing a bunch of random analogies down on the internet isn't going to help your story at all. You have to have analogies that actually have something to do with your own characters, setting, and plot.

Why does a bacteria have a flagella?

Some bacteria have flagella, some only have one flagellum, and some just float around like a leaf in a river

Can flagella be pathogenic?

Flagella themselves are not pathogenic as they are the whip-like appendages that some organisms use for movement. However, bacteria and other microorganisms with flagella can be pathogenic, using the flagella to navigate through their host's tissues and cause infections.

Do anaerobic bacteria have flagella?

Yes, some anaerobic bacteria have flagella which they use for locomotion. Flagella help these bacteria move towards nutrients or away from harmful substances in their environment.

Is a flagella cell in a plant cell?

No, flagella are found in some types of cells such as bacteria, sperm cells, and some single-celled organisms. Plant cells do not typically have flagella.

Do prokaryotic cells have flagella?

Not all prokaryotic cells have flagella only some do. The flagella in prokaryotic cells are made up of the hook, filament and basal body.

What is the whip-like tail called?

The whip-like tail is called a flagellum. It is a long, tail-like structure that some cells and microorganisms, such as bacteria and sperm cells, use for movement.

Do you do analogies?

Yes, we do analogies.

Are some protists are covered with short hairs called flagella?

Yes. Certain protists have flagellum (Flagella).