The Scientific definition of a model can be material, visual, mathematical, or computational and are often used in the construction of scientific theories. Models can also be defined as standard or example for imitation or comparison.
A scientific model is simply an idea that allows us to createexplanations of how we think some part of the world works.That is the basic definition for the way are you taking snc1pa by ilc?
what is the definition of area model
No, a drawing of an atom is not a scientific definition. A scientific definition of an atom would describe it as the smallest unit of matter that retains the properties of an element.
The scientific definition of purification is, the extraction of one specific substance from a mixture of substances.
Yes a map is a scientific model
scientific attitudes together with its definition
There's no scientific name for it
the scientific definition if a fault can be given like some unplanned or unpredicted action occurring in the experiment
how you look
And answer to an experiment