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Bad weather usually comes from the west ..

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Q: From which direction does most bad weather arrive?
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In which direction does most bad weather arrive?

most of the time west to east but there are occasions when that isn't true, but those are very rare.

What is the difference between a bad weather and bad weather?

The phrase "bad weather" is correct usage when referring to unfavorable weather conditions, such as rain or snow. The phrase "a bad weather" is incorrect, as "weather" is typically used as a mass noun without an article.

What prevented the mongols conquest of japan?

Bad weather. It is believed that typhoons destroyed most of the fleet sent to invade.

Why is all this bad weather happening in Ireland?

Global warming, most likely

How important are the speed and direction in determining weather forecast for the next hours?

because of its relationship

Why does bad happen?

Bad weather happens because if the weather channel says that there is going to be bad weather in a certain area, it means that that area is going to have low pressure, which causes bad weather.

In Julius Caesar how does Shakespeare use weather as foreshowdowing?

The bad weather foreshadows that Caesar will be killed. Bad weather; Bad day.

What are the release dates for Bad Weather Films - 2010 Most Awkward Roommate Moments 1-28?

Bad Weather Films - 2010 Most Awkward Roommate Moments 1-28 was released on: USA: 22 October 2012

What weather do mice most dislike?

I think they do not like rainy weather most, because it can flood their homes if their homes are not high. I know they dont like foggy or cold weather, but i think hot weather is not as bad for them even though they have fur. -Firepaw100

What are two things that plagued farm lands the most?

Bad weather and crop-destroying pests.

Where do wolly mamoths live?

Most commonly, they lived in caves to protect themselves from bad weather.

What are safety measures if you are in field work with Bad weather?

Some safety measures a person in field work could perform in bad weather include seeking shelter, entering a vehicle, and staying away from tall objects. Lightning and strong winds are the most likely causes for injuries during bad weather.