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The Constitution was designed to solve the major weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. One of the most serious problems was the lack of federal power. The Executive Branch, missing in the Articles, was created to enforce Federal Laws in the country. The government under the Constitution also had the power to tax. Under the Articles, only state governments could tax due to fears of monarchy and tyranny that might result if the federal government was allowed to tax. However, the federal government had to depend on the states for revenue, which the states did not always give. This was a serious problem because the US had $27 million in war debts. The first sign that the new Constitution was better than the old Articles of Confederation was the Whiskey Rebellion, in which the new government aptly showed its ability to enforce its laws.

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How did the u.s constitution solve a problem created by the articles of confederation?

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The Articles of Confederation (full name: Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union), drafted in June 1776, allowed the States to retain the sovereignty in most areas. The federal government operated under the Articles of Confederation from 1777 until 1789, when it was replaced by the more comprehensive US Constitution.

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The biggest change from the Articles of Confederation was the creation of a stronger federal government. The Constitution created an executive and judicial branch.

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In a sense.The Constitutional Convention, in itself, did not replace the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution was created at the Convention and it was based upon some of the ideals that the Articles of Confederation had, but had changed many things.So, in a sense, no. The Constitutional Convention did notreplace the Articles of Confederation, but the Constitution that was created then did.