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The amino acid sequence is: UUU-UCU-UCC-CCU-CGG-CGA-AGG-AUU.

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3mo ago

The mRNA sequence AUG-ACG-AAA-AGA-AGG-GGA-GCC-GCU-UCC-UAA translates to the amino acid sequence Methionine-Threonine-Lysine-Arginine-Arginine-Glycine-Alanine-Leucine-Serine-Stop.

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Q: What is the amino acid sequence that is coded for the mRNA sequence AUG-ACG-AAA-AGA-AGG-GGA-GCC-GCU-UCC-UAA?
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Which amino acid is coded for by the RNA sequence CUA?

The RNA sequence CUA codes for the amino acid leucine.

What amino acid is coded for by this sequence before the mutation?

The amino acid coded for by the original sequence can be determined based on the codon table. The sequence is comprised of sets of three nucleotides that correspond to specific amino acids, so you would need to convert the sequence into codons and then use the table to identify the amino acid coded for by those codons.

Can an amino acid be coded for by more sequence of three nucleotides?

Yes, an amino acid can be coded for by more than one sequence of three nucleotides. This is due to the degeneracy of the genetic code, where some amino acids are encoded by multiple codons.

What amino acid does rna sequence AAA specify?

No amino acid is coded for. It is a stop codon that instructs to stop the process of translation.

What amino acid is coded for by this sequence before mutation?

The neutral mutation does not change the amino acid coded for by the codon. A good example is the RNA codon that could be the CCA, CCC or the CCG.

What amino acid is coded for GGG?

The amino acid coded by the RNA codon GGG is glycine.

What happens if only one amino acid is coded incorrectly?

If only one amino acid is coded incorrectly in a protein sequence, it may result in a missense mutation. This could potentially lead to a change in the structure and function of the protein. The impact of the mutation would depend on the specific amino acid involved and its location within the protein.

What amino acid is coded for by the codon AUC?

The codon AUC codes for the amino acid isoleucine.

What amino acid was never coded for?


What is the linear chain of amino acids in a protein?

The monomers in a polypeptide are the amino acids. The sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide (or protein) is called the primary structure. It is the primary structure of proteins which is coded for by the DNA in the genes: the sequence of bases in the DNA is a code for the sequence of amino acids in a protein (or polypeptide). See:

Amino acid coded for by the codons UUU or UUC?

Phenylalanine is the amino acid coded for by the codons UUU or UUC.

Which amino acid is coded for by AGA?

The codon AGA codes for the amino acid arginine.