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I am in the exact same position. i would love to be a marine biologist but have no clue whatsoever,

you will need biology (and marine biology if offered) and also, i would be best to have chemistry at your side to back you up,

Then you will have to get at least 5 a stars ( no you don't its GCSEs you need no A*stars)

further up, you will need a PhD( you dont need a PhD you need a degree) in either biology or marine biology (in marine biology or oceanography), again, whatever if offered to you.

good luck!

(thank god my answers are there or you woud be stuffed)

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3w ago

To become a marine biologist, it is recommended to have GCSEs in science subjects such as Biology and chemistry. Additionally, subjects like mathematics and geography can also be useful. It is advisable to check with specific universities for their entry requirements.

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