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Encodes for proteins, acts as control switches, and self replicates.

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2mo ago

DNA contains the genetic information that determines an organism's physical characteristics, such as eye color and height. It also serves as instructions for building and maintaining an organism's cells and tissues.

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Q: What 2 things does DNA do?
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All cells have what three things?

1. a cell membrane 2. DNA 3. cytoplasm

What 2 main things make up a chromosome?

Doubled stranded DNA and protein molecules

Do things have DNA?

No, things do not have DNA. DNA is a molecule that carries genetic information and is found in living organisms. Inorganic objects, such as rocks or water, do not have DNA.

Is DNA a characteristic for all living things share?

Yes, DNA is a characteristic that all living things share. To be more precise, all living things share a form of genetic material, which is DNA.

Do fruits and vegetables have DNA?

Yes, all living things have DNA.

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Does fire have DNA?

no.. only living things can have DNA, fire is the combustion of matter :)

Common uses for DNA testing?

DNA testing is used to identify things.

What if the cell replicates but has no DNA?

It cannot replicate without DNA. All living things are made up of DNA.

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Is DNA found in nonliving things?


Process by which DNA copies itself?

Replication! 1) DNA splits 2) DNA copies 3) left with 2 copies of DNA! :)