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How do I begin? Aphrodite is the goddess of sexuality and beauty. She is very immoral and full of jealousy....she would make a horrible leader because she only cares about her personal lustful desires. She emerged out of the sea naked from Uranus' blood after Cronus killed him... and she is always making people fall in love when they are married and killing whoever she thinks is stupid when really she is the foolish one, tough she is very clever and sly according to greek mythology and legends:)

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Q: What are some bad things about the goddess Aphrodite?
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What were some bad things about Aphrodite?

she had a really bad temper

How Aphrodite is bad?

No, Aphrodite is the great Olympian goddess of beauty, love, pleasure and and procreation.

If you were having a bad hair day which Greek God or Goddess would you go to?

You would probably go to Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty and Love.

What are some bad things on Athena?

According to all legends and myths....Athena really has no BAD traits.. She is the goddess of wisdom, war, handicrafts and agriculture, reason, and purity. she is Zeus' favorite child and he trusts her with his almighty thunderbolt. she is the protector of Athens and she she is one of the three virgin goddesses......REALLY!?? i don't think a GODDESS can get much better than that! especially considering Aphrodite....goddess of sexuality and beauty...Persephone...goddess of death... and on and on and on with all the goddesses who are impure and jealous and all that crap... so really if you are looking for bad things about Athena the real answer id good luck my friend:)

What bad things did Athena do?

because she was the goddess of wisdom

The gods of the Greeks were?

Athena: goddess of wisdom, war and art Zeus: god of the gods and ruler of the sky and lightnings Hera: wife of Zeus and goddess of marriage and giving birth Aphrodite: goddess of love, laughter and you know what Artemis: twin sister of Apollo. goddess of the mountains, hunt, the moon and maidens Apollo: god of music, poetry, future seeing, the sun and archery Hestia: goddess of hearth of the home Hephaestus: god of fire and iron, husband of Aphrodite Ares: god of war and Aphrodite's lover Hermes: messenger of the gods and god of the thieves and travelers Hades: underworld god and the god of the dead Demeter: goddess of harvest and seasons Poseidon: god of the seas and the oceans as well as earthquakes and horses Dionysus: god of wine (and joy) there are also some minor gods... but you can see the main gods here!

What were that bad things about the greek goddess Athena?

She has extreme jealousy issues sometimes.

What is Aphrodite's sphere of influence?

Aphrodite's sphere of influence is love, beauty, desire, and fertility. She is often associated with romantic and passionate love, as well as physical beauty and the natural world. In Greek mythology, she is considered the goddess of love and is sometimes referred to as the goddess of sexuality and pleasure.

Was Hestia a good goddess or a bad goddess?

Hestia is the Greek goddess of fire, home, hearth, and cooking; these things are not evil and neither is Hestia.

Why was Aphrodite important?

Aprodite was the goddess of love and beauty. She has many beliefs tied to her "becoming." One is that she was foam-born, as horses were believed to be. This would mean that she was born from Poseidon's realm, the sea. Another is that she was Zeus and Dione's duaghter. Dione was a Titan. The last one is that she herself was a Titan. Not all the Titans were bad and were condemned to eternal torture in their various prisons. Aphrodite was the greek goddess of love.

Is the goddess Nyx good or bad?

some people say she was good and some say she was bad but everyone feared her but in my opinion she was good

What was Aphrodite like?

Aphrodite was kind and loving. she was the greak goddess of LOVE. ** Yes, Aphrodite was the Greek Goddess of Love, but she was was a player type. She liked to have "fun" with the other gods. In one myth, Zeus gave the lame smith god her hand in marriage. She didn't love him though, so, she 'cheated' on him with Ares, the god of war. She gets mad if there was anyone prettier then her. Like for example, Psyche, goddess of soul (who was once a human.) Aphrodite's son, Eos, known as cupid, fell in love with Psyche. He believed that Psyche was the very beautiful, even more then Aphrodite herself. But she was also kind. In one myth, she met a follower who made a statue, which looked like Aphrodite. Soon, he fell in love with the statue. She felt bad for him, so she gave the statue life. Hope that answers 1/9 of your question. c: **