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Yes her hair was extremely damaged from relaxing and weaving, her real hair was Thin.

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Q: Was Aaliyah hair burn off
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No it does not and it will burn you're hair off

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Aaliyah was buried in clothes she was wearing purple and her hair was long and curled.

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What happened to Aaliyah's eye why would she always cover it?

Nothing was wrong with Aaliyah's eye. She wore her hair like that, for the style of it. The inspiration for the "swoop" over the eye came from the 40's actress Veronica Lake. It added more mystery to Aaliyah, than what she was already giving off.

What does heat do to hair?

Burn it (Burn your hair)

How do you do your ahir like Aaliyah?

You need To get a perm to straighten your hair. and after flat iron it.

What was Aaliyah hair regimen?

Aaliyah's hair was pressed. Here is her routine.Wash every 10 days, blowdry, press, then flat.Kerapro Conditioning Shampoo by JoicoJoico K-Pak Deep-Penetrationg Cream Hair ReconstructorLanza Re Balance Leave In ConditionerSebatian Laminates Drops to keep her hair smooth

What do you do when you burn your hair?

you can use some water is wash it off. Or you can cut it to start off fresh. (You don't have to cut all of it )

What temperature does hair burn?

Hair will burn at 223 degrees Celsius. Hair can however burn at a much lower temperature if it is damaged.

Would your body hair grow back if you burned it?

You would have to burn the skin pretty bad to stop the hair from growing on it, just burning the hair off is same as shaving it it off, it will definitely grow back.

How does the climate affect the hair growth?

because your hair will get really frizzy and if you put allot of hair products in your hair your will burn or catch on fire and if you straighten your hair allot your hair its gonna be burned and it will all fall off!!

Can cellophane hair treatment treats burn hair from other treatment?

Can cellophane hair treatment treats burn hair from coloring hair