It means to decide which things are more important and which are less important. This is helpful if you have to make a choice between playing Angry Birds and saving the life of a drowning child.
The term prioritise is defined as to arrange or do in an order of priority. To assign a priority to. To organize or deal with something according to it's priority. Of the many definitions, it is also defined as to assign a rank or rating to.
I didn't mean it!I mean, seriously what's your problem?You are being so mean.
"bon" mean "good" and partir mean "to leave"
moron mean>?
bisit mean
Prioritizing is the present participle of the word prioritize. The definition of prioritizing is treating something as more important than other things.
How do you prioritize your work
Prioritize means to put into order based on importance. You must prioritize your chores before you begin.
No. Prioritize takes a direct object.
You should prioritize your work.Parents prioritize their errands so they do important tasks first.To prioritize, the student set aside all work due later in the month.
The British spelling is prioritise. In the US it's spelled prioritize.
There is no inherent priority in Internet Protocol Addresses.Therefore, you don't prioritize them.
There is no right or wrong way to answer how you prioritize your work. You should just be honest and state how you prioritize your work.
The word prioritize is a verb meaning to place in order, as of importance or value.
In a work setting to prioritize means to decide what issues are more important. Lists can be created to make the priorities more clear.
Describe a situation where you had to prioritize personal matter over work?