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Reduce your speed.

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Q: When you are driving in the city you should do what?
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It depends on the driver's braking habits and type of driving, be it city or highway driving. They can last between 25K or less of city driving to 75K or more of highway driving.

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How far ahead should you scan the road when you drive in the city?

When driving in the city you should scan the road at least by 1 to 1.5 blocks to ensure safety of everyone.

When driving in the city your should always drive in what lane?

Drive in the lane with the least amount of congestion.

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3,420 miles if you start driving from the City of Fort Lauderdale. 3,033 miles if you start driving from the City of Tallahassee. 3,140 miles if you start driving from the City of Jacksonville. 3,205 miles if you start driving from the City of Brooksville. 3,227 miles if you start driving from the City of Clearwater. 3,048 miles if you start driving from the City of Bradenton. 2,933 miles if you start driving from the City of Pensacola. 3,236 miles if you start driving from the City of Tampa.

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Chicago is a major city that is only 8 hours and 38 minutes of driving time from KC.Denver has a 9 hour and 26 minute driving time.Omaha, Tulsa, Oklahoma City and St Louis should also be considered.

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Depends on the year which you fail to list.

When driving in a city traffic you should look at least?

10 to 15 seconds= 1 block= quarter of a mile

What should you do Before driving you should?

What should you do before driving

When driving in the city how far should you look ahead?

In the city, 10-15 seconds is about one block. On the highway, 10-15 seconds is about a quarter of a mile.