About 290 miles.
The quickest route is about 493 miles. The longest is about 524 miles.
The distance between Miami, FL, and Nags Head, NC, is 969 miles and will take approximately 14 Hours 55 Minutes of driving time.
196 miles
According to Google Maps, The Distance from Nags Head to Avon, NC is 44.8 miles, and the trip will take about an hour. Hope this is helpful
The distance between the starting point and the destination is 363mi, (585km), and will take approximately 6 hours of driving time.
It is called the Nags Head.
The driving distance is about 1,715 miles. Since there is sometimes more than one route, including back roads, this is an approximate but accurate distance. It is based on the most well-known routes between these two locations.
405 miles
Norfolk International Airport - Norfolk, VA (ORF / KORF) - 90 driving miles.Richmond International Airport - Richmond, VA (RIC / KRIC) - 172 driving miles.
460 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 64 WEST, from Nags Head, to I-95 SOUTH to FAYETTEVILLE at EXIT 464A.Take I-95 SOUTH to I-20 WEST to COLUMBIA at EXIT 160B in FLORENCE, SOUTH CAROLINA.Take I-20 WEST to NORTH AUGUSTA.
Well, if you are looking for things to do, then Nags Head is the place! Nags Head is a great spot for restaurants, nightlife, and many other attractions.