The flight distance from California (CA) to Seattle, Washington is: 800 miles / 1,288 km
Mexico cession
The driving distance from Seattle, Washington to Anaheim, California is 1,162 miles.
The greatest distance from California's eastern border to California's west coast is 560 miles.
Seattle is closer to the Canadian border than Sacramento. Seattle is located in the state of Washington, which shares a border with Canada, while Sacramento is in California, much farther south.
The total driving distance from Seattle, WA to Anaheim, CA is 1,162 miles or 1,870 kilometers.
That depends on which part of California you're in. The distance from San Francisco to Seattle is 807 miles; the distance from Crescent City (in northern California) to Seattle is 530 miles; and the distance from San Diego (in southern California) to Seattle is around 1200 miles.
1161 miles.
They share a border!
Nothing. California borders Mexico.
There is a distance of 1,180 kilometers (733 miles) between the California-Oregon border (in the Klamath National Forest) and the US-Mexico border, between the cities of San Diego in California and Tijuana in Mexico.
The sea distance between Los Angeles, California and Seattle, Washington is 834 nautical miles. It is about 960 miles in air distance.