The driving distance from Murphy, NC to Manteo, NC is approximately 478 miles. This would take around 8-9 hours to drive, depending on traffic and road conditions.
It is 286 miles according to Google Maps.
The total driving distance from Asheville, NC to Murphy, NC is 111 miles.
The address of the Manteo Preservation Trust Inc is: Po Box 234, Manteo, NC 27954-0234
It is in Manteo, NC.
It is 199 miles according to Google Maps.
The distance from Savannah, GA to Outer Banks, NC is approximately 350 miles. It would take around 6-7 hours to drive between the two locations, depending on traffic and route taken.
Manteo, NC.
The address of the Elizabethan Gardens is: 1411 National Park Dr, Manteo, NC 27954-9451
The address of the Outer Banks Conservationist is: Po Box 970, Manteo, NC 27954-0970
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