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There are 3 CSI series running: the "original" CSI set in Las Vegas, CSI Miami, and CSI New York.
The original CSI show is the CSI set in Las Vegas, Nevada- CSI New York and CSI Miami were started due to the top ratings from the original CSI and have also had high ratings
csi is on now
CSI: October 6, 2000 CSI Miami: 2002
CSI: Los Angeles is not a current TV show. CSI: (Los Vegas)/ CSI: Miami/CSI: NY are the current CSI shows on television while the new NCIS is based in Los Angeles.
locate it. Use two Allen wrenches and put one on bottom of the filter and the top and just unscrew it really simple.
If you are talking about the theme songs. CSI : Who's Next CSI Miami : Wont Get Fooled Again CSI NY : Baba O'Reilly by The Who
True Yes it is!
the average wage of a csi is about $60,000
he was already on csi.