Another answer: Open-ended questions usually begin with who, why, what, when or where. If you were for example doing a project on the solar system then you could have "What is the solar system" or" Who called it the solar system"
This about this and you can come up with many of these. Open ended questions ask things like "what do you enjoy?" "what is your favorite?" "how do you do this?" -- any question that will let people give you a paragraph or two is a good open ended question. You just have to make them all center around the holiday.
Advantages of Open-Ended Questions • Open-ended questions allow respondents to include more information, including feelings, attitudes and understanding of the subject. This allows researchers to better access the respondents' true feelings on an issue. . • Open-ended questions cut down on two types of response error; respondents are not likely to forget the answers they have to choose from if they are given the chance to respond freely, and open-ended questions simply do not allow respondents to disregard reading the questions and just "fill in" the survey with all the same answers (such as filling in the "no" box on every question). • Because they allow for obtaining extra information from the respondent, such as demographic information (current employment, age, gender, etc.), surveys that use open-ended questions can be used more readily for secondary analysis by other researchers than can surveys that do not provide contextual information about the survey population. Disadvantages of Open-Ended Questions • If open-ended questions are analyzed quantitatively, the qualitative information is reduced to coding and answers tend to lose some of their initial meaning. • Because open-ended questions allow respondents to use their own words, it is difficult to compare the meanings of the responses. • The response rate is lower with surveys that use open-ended question than with those that use closed-ended questions. Advantages of Closed-Ended Questions • Closed-ended questions are more easily analyzed. Every answer can be given a number or value so that a statistical interpretation can be assessed. Closed-ended questions are also better suited for computer analysis. • Closed-ended questions can be more specific, thus more likely to communicate similar meanings. • In large-scale surveys, closed-ended questions take less time from the interviewer, the participant and the researcher, and so is a less expensive survey method. Diadvantages of Closed-Ended Questions • Closed-ended questions, because of the simplicity and limit of the answers, may not offer the respondents choices that actually reflect their real feelings. • Closed-ended questions also do not allow the respondent to explain that they do not understand the question or do not have an opinion on the issue.
Open-ended questions encourage deeper thinking, promote discussion, and allow for more detailed and nuanced responses. They can also provide valuable insights, uncover unexpected information, and foster creativity and self-reflection in the respondent.
These are some questions that might be asked at an interview for a sales position. Tell me about yourself. Why do you want to work in sales? Why did you leave your last job? What is your greatest weakness.
The judicial review are some of the questions that were left open by the constitution.
Open-ended questions can also be called essay questions. I have put some related questions below with more tips for writing essays. When you have an exam question, the best way to do this is: # Make a list of all the information that you can remember that will help you to answer it. # Arrange the list into sections based on similarity. # Add more information to each section as you think of things. # Convert the list into proper sentences and write your essay.
An open ended question forces the answerer to add their own opinion. Rather than saying "Woud you like some ice cream or pie tonight?" (giving them choices and the option to say no) you can ask "What kind of desserts do you normally eat?"
A closed question is a question that can typically be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" or with a specific piece of information. These questions do not require detailed explanations or open-ended responses.
Start out slow. Just say hi to her and be polite. Don't try to have a big conversation with her in a group. Acknowledge that she is there and don't make her feel left out, but don't press her. If you are outside of the group, ask her some open ended questions about herself. Close ended questions will get you a one worded response, where open ended questions take a little more information to answer. Examples: Close ended question: Have you read any good books lately? Yes. Open ended question: What good movies have you watched lately? Paranormal Activity and The Ring. That gives you something more to go on. You have a follow up. "You like horror movies? Have you seen...?" Don't expect her to be your best buddy right away. Shyness is sometimes very hard to get over. If you press too hard, you can make it worse.
Effective strategies for creating engaging reading comprehension questions for 1st-grade students include using simple language, incorporating visuals, asking open-ended questions, relating questions to real-life experiences, and encouraging critical thinking skills.
The content of the questions depends on the topic of the survey and the type of information you want to find out. The key is not to over-ask your subjects and to maintain and easy-to-follow format. Ask as few questions as possible, and make them easy to answer. Avoid open-ended questions; instead, use multiple choice, yes/no, and true/false questions, so all each subject needs to do is click some radio buttons or check boxes. It's okay to ask one open-ended question at the end, as long as you make it optional. An example could be, "If there's anything you'd like to add, you can do so in the space below."