There are 29 states in the United States that have a city named Lincoln.
123 miles
42 miles
97 miles
From the centre of Florida to the centre of Nebraska is 1,674 miles, or 2,694 kilometres. From Tallahassee, the capital of Florida, to Lincoln, the capital of Nebraska, is 1,422 miles, or 2,288 kilometres. From Miami, the largest city in Florida, to Omaha, the largest city in Nebraska, is 1,654 miles, or 2,662 kilometres.
Between 131 and 134 miles.
Lincoln, Nebraska does not get tornadoes every year. Since official records began in 1950 there have been 5 recorded tornadoes in Lincoln, Nebraska in total.
The driving distance from Lincoln, Nebraska to Kansas City, Missouri is 196 miles per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 3 hours and 13 minutes.
The Lincoln Memorial is made up of 28 marble blocks.
4 city blocks
The name Lincoln for the state capital of Nebraska was chosen by the state legislature, to honor the late President Abraham Lincoln. A commission set up in 1867 chose the village of Lancaster to be the site of a newly-built capital city in the Nebraska Territory. The name Lincoln was originally an attempt to keep the state capital in Omaha, playing on the fact that many in southern Nebraska had sympathized with the Confederacy.
It is 50.4 miles according to Google Maps.