It is 367.0 miles according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Texas has more miles of general coastline than Louisiana. Texas has approximately 367 miles of general coastline, while Louisiana has approximately 397 miles of general coastline.
You shouldn't ask me
The coastline of Chile is 2652 miles long
The US Pacific coastline is 7,623 statute miles long based on the general coastline.
At 1,350 miles, Florida has the most coastline in the contiguous United States.
Kaliningrad has a coastline that is approximately 230 kilometers (143 miles) long.
The Russian coastline is approximately 23,000 miles long, making it the longest coastline of any country in the world.
According to Wikipedia... The coastline is 11,073 miles (17,820 kilometres) long.
The coastline of Mappleton is approximately 2 miles long.
750 miles
397 miles
The coastline of Libya is approximately 1,770 kilometers (1,100 miles) long.