That zip code is from Tempe AZ in Maricopa county...
Tempe is in Maricopa County, Arizona.
10 miles
Maricopa, AZ 85138
It is located in Tempe, Arizona. It is a suburb of Phoenix.
5 hours and 39 mins. Or 310 miles
At 1:00 Pacific Standard Time Mail gets delivered throughout Maricopa county. Town including Phoenix,Tempe,Mesa, and Chandler.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, AZ.
The address of the Maricopa Historical Society is: Po Box 902, Maricopa, AZ 85139-0317
The distance between Los Angeles, CA and Tempe, AZ is 380.6 miles (approx. 6 hours and 55 minutes).
There is a Maricopa Medical Center in Maricopa County located at 2601 East Roosevelt Street, Phoenix, AZ 85008. It is located just south of AZ 202 and east of I-10.
about 10 miles