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To buy car insurance Nebraska based companies have to offer, you need to apply. You can do this in many ways. Some companies will mail you the application, and then you can fill it out and mail it back in. You may be able to fax it to them. Other companies will allow you to do the whole process over the phone, and the agent will fill in the information as you tell him or her the answers to all of the questions that are asked. Finally, you can sometimes fill things out on the website, and then you can submit the forms electronically.

Most of the time, you will be accepted in just a few days and you will be offered a plan. The agent will get in touch with you and he will work with you to complete the process. Other times, though, you may find out that your application was denied. The company will tell you that they are unwilling to insure you. This can be confusing if you thought that the application would surely go through. Below are two of the main reasons why you may be denied. This can help you to understand why this could have happened.

First of all, you may have made a mistake on the forms. Perhaps you put down the wrong last name if you have just gotten married and changed your name. Maybe you wrote down a wrong digit when you were putting in your Social Security Number (SSN). All of these things will make it so that the company does not know that you are, without a doubt, who you say that you are. If they cannot validate your identity, they will not be willing to give you a new policy for your vehicle.

The more common reason, though, is your driving record. Have you been in a lot of accidents? Have you gotten far more tickets than anyone else that you know? All of these things will show up on your permanent record. They will identify you to the insurance provider as a high risk. These companies are not in the habit of giving out plans to people who are high risks because this can cause them to lose money. If you have shown that you are a very poor driver, they may not even be willing to give you the most expensive policies.

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