It depends on your contract and if it you bought both cars from the same dealer, for further information you could consult an attorney to get a perspective from a legal standpoint.
An annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company in which you pay a lump-sum payment or a series of payments in exchange for regular payments, which can start right away or at a later date.
Yes, depending which website it is and a contract is signed in which the aide receives payment.
Late payment fees are agreed upon by you when you sign the finance contract, yes you owe the additional money as long as their addition of the fees is within the guidelines stated in the contract.
A pick up payment is an irregular or deferred down payment. The down payment is the amount paid up front and reduces the amount financed. Some amounts may be deffered to future dates. The amounts and dates of these payments must be disclosed on your contract and are separate from your regular payments. If interest accrues off these payments depends on the state and dealer.
To prove that you have the means to conduct the affair you are proposing. Also to legally "enact" the contract in respect of the payment.
Whole Life, Universal Life, as well as Annuities can be used for this purpose.
obligated funds
Whole Life, Universal Life, as well as Annuities can be used for this purpose.
the payment was lower.
payment late?? then its NOT on time and in DEFAULT. WHAT is not stated in the contract??? No lender is going to repo a car when only one payment is 3 days late. If you have made all the payments on time and you are only 3 days late, and they repossed your car, you need to contact the lender and see what is going on. Something is not right here.
If you're asking whether the vehicle can be repossessed for non-payment, it can, regardless of who's supposed to be making payments. Whoever appears on the contract or paperwork for the car is responsible for the payment, regardless of what informal agreements may be in place.