When comparing insurance before deciding which policy to purchase, drivers should consider the coverage amount in relation to the price. Car insurance has separate coverage limits for bodily injury liability and property damage that directly affect policy price. These coverage limits could be adjusted independently of each other in order for drivers to discover levels of coverage they are comfortable with at prices they can afford. Car insurance providers usually set the minimum amount of coverage available for each category at or above the minimum amount required for drivers to be in compliance with state laws.
You can budget your car insurance by changing the coverage that you have on your car. Liability only insurance, or your state minimum is going to be the cheapest insurance but doesn't provide much coverage. As you add coverage the price goes up.
Progressive does offer car insurance coverage for classic automobiles. Other companies may or may not offer the coverage depending on their available policies and coverage.
Trade Car insurance will provide you coverage when you are between automobiles, and is only a temporary coverage, not to be confused with regular auto insurance.
I take it you mean, if your car IS repossessed. In that case, IF you dont plan to redeem it, NO. NO car, NO insurance. Once the lender repos the car, they are responsible for the insurance coverage.
Underinsured motorist coverage is a coverage in case you have an accident with someone who doesn't have insurance or enough insurance. For example, if someone hits you and they don't have enough coverage to fix your car, your insurance would help you out.
It depends on whether or not you carry comprehensive coverage on your car. Comp is an optional coverage if you own the car outright and may be a mandatory coverage if you have a loan on it. But the comp coverage would only pay for repair to the car. If you have items in the car that were stolen, however, they would actually be covered by your homeowner's or renter's insurance and NOT your auto insurance.
There are different coverages under an auto insurance policy like the liablity coverage,-(PPI) comprehensive coverage and collision. You switched the insurance and so the new car has only the coverage which you had opted for in your old car which might have been only the liablity - mandatory coverage. Thus technically you had insuracne coverage sufficent to abide to your state rules but your car was not covered for own damges of comprehnsive damage to the car. Hence the insurance company is saying that you do not have coverage. Please check your insurance coverage when you buy a new car and upgrade the same.
A number of insurance companies offer a European car breakdown insurance coverage to one travelling to Europe. Belair Direct, TD insurance, Allstate, Aviva and AA offer this coverage.
If your contract requires full coverage and you do not have full coverage, you are in violation of the contract.
Yes, some of your own automobile insurance can cover you while driving your friends car. The coverage that your friend has on the car will be the primary coverage and then if that coverage is insufficient for the damage caused then you can go to your own policy for additional coverage.
What is a category D car
In most states, including North Carolina, you still have to maintain some form of car insurance coverage. If the car is paid off you can drop your policy from full coverage to liability insurance.