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in ON Canada it's 150 meters

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Q: Your low beam lights should be used when following a car by what distance?
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When driving behind a car at night what distance should you turn down your high beam lights?

when you see there tail lights. White lights travel farther then red lights.

When driving your car at night with your high beam on at what distance should you lower your lights when you approach another car?

500 feet

What is the distance that your low beam head lights illuminate the road in front of you?


When driving in foggy weather you should turn on your headlights high beam parking lights low beam?

low beam

High beam lights should be dimmed for oncoming traffic and when you are behind a vehicle in front of you?

TRUE statement. The actual distance is dictated by state law, which varies.

Which beam lights should you use in the fog?

Low beams

What lights should you use when you are driving in a fog?

low beam

Which lights should you use when you drive in a fog?

Low beam headlights and fog lights if the vehicle has fog lights.

When should you drive with your low beam lights on?

Your low beam lights should be on when driving after sunset (twilight) and when it is raining. Some states require headlights or daytime running lights to be on in various conditions or at various times.You should not use your high-beam lights when you are closely behind another vehicle, or when approaching another vehicle head-on on a two-way road.

Should you switch on your high beam lights in city traffic?


When it's raining outside and your driving you should use what lights high beam or low beam?

Low beams

What type of lights should you use in a fog?

Fog Lights only, Low Beam only or Fog Lights + Low Beams.