Start the media player. to the LEFT of the play button is a circular arrow. This is the repeat button. Simply click that to make it repeat. It will loop indefinitely until you click the repeat button again to turn the feature off.
Theres a function button on the player. Press the button, a list should up. Click play mode and hit repeat.
there should be a repeat button
In Microsoft Word, When you click on the redo button, the redo button changes to the repeat button which is dimmed. So no, you can't redo and repeat at the same time.
How to set the time and date on the CONAIRPHONE TAD1210D tapeless answering machine 1. Push and hold the Time Set/Repeat Button 2. While holding the Time Set/Repeat Button push and release the On/Off button until correct day is reached 3. Release the Time Set/Repeat Button 4. Push and hold the Time Set/Repeat Button while pushing and releasing the On/Off button until the correct hour is reached 5. Release the Time Set/Repeat Button 6. Push and hold the Time Set/Repeat Button while pushing and releasing the On/Off button until the correct minute is reached 7. Release the Time Set/Repeat Button 8. Push and hold the Time Set/Repeat Button while pushing and releasing the On/Off button until A.M. or P.M. reached 9. Release the Time Set/Repeat Button 10 Push and release the Time Set/Repeat button to hear the correct Time and date
CRTL + Y is a shortcut for repeat typing or redo. Usually, the repeat typing button is near the undo button.
May you please repeat that? I didn't hear you.
Can you please repeat the question? He was able to repeat the process a number of times. You are going to have to repeat the fourth grade.
Tap 'Edit'. Press the repeat button under the search button.
Can you please repeat the question
Click the left button, then the right button. Repeat 5 more times.
In Yoruba, you can say "Se o le pe mi pada, gbogbo aye" which means "Can you repeat please?"