Yes, provided you have comprehensive coverage or can claim it on your homeowners or renters' insurance; but, as this would be an act of vandalism, you may be required to provide a police report.
Report the vandalism to Police Make an insurance claim Your friend has no financial responsibility
In most cases, a premium will not go up over a scratched car.
If you do not know the identity of the offender, make an insurance claim. If you do know who is responsible, gather together all their contact information and make an effort to get them to pay. If they fail to do so, call a lawyer.
6 or 8 digit format
Keyed Up was created in 1983.
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You speed the word as 'miskeyed'. When you put the prefix with the word keyed, you do not use the two 's' as when you say the word 'miss'.
The border had no effect on the text I keyed as it was not relevant to the content I was transcribing.
Locks in a building should be keyed differently for better security. This means each lock has a unique key, reducing the risk of unauthorized access compared to having all locks keyed alike.