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If your was repossed you need to call the car company and pay your car

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Q: Your car was repossessed how can you get your car back?
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Related questions

What documents would you need after a repossession of a car in order to get it back?

To get your repossessed car back you may need proof of residency, insurance, and, other personal information to retrieve your repossessed vehicle back to you.

What the procedure for getting your car back after being repossessed?

Contact the lender who repossessed the car. You will have to make up all back payments and pay all fees associated with the actual repossession.

Can you get your car back after it has been repossessed in the state of Iowa?

Yes, there are some instances that a person can get a repossessed car back in the state of Iowa. If the person pays all the money owed plus a repo fee, the car may be returned.

Can you get your car back if its repossessed?

Yes. If the payment is made to the finnance company.

Can your car be repossessed if there are children's safety seats in the vehicle?

Yes, it can be repossessed. If you owe money on a vehicle and do not have a clear title of the car - In reality, this car is not yours until the debt is paid. The car is collateral until your pay the loan off. If the car was repossessed, the personal contents like the car seat must be given back to you.

Hiding a car that may be repossessed?

You can hide it but, they'll come back later for it.

Can your car be repossessed crossing the border back into the US?

Yes Pay Your Bills

Your car was repossessed and is now parked in a public place can you take it back?

Not without being a car thief.

What do You do after your car has been repossessed?

Buy a bus pass. Or get ahold of your lender and see what they want to get the car back.

Why does a car get repossessed?

The person who bought the car didn't make payments so the bank takes it back.

What will happen if you take back a car that was repossessed especially if they can't prove that you took the car back?

you will go to jail for auto theft when they catch you.

What happens if you get your car repossessed?

if i get my car repossessed, can they put a llien on the house?