The truck not getting the right amount of fuel if it back fires when its accelerating check to see if all your fuel injectors are good.
Replace the spark plugs.
Sounds like a vaccum leak
well, pick up a dictonary and read all about it are something what am i your personal smart person b[psp]
that's not really a good question. it could be any number of things. sounds like its backfiring. this means that it could be out of time. could be a valve sticking. could be pushrod, or rocker issues. best thing to do would be a compression test on all cylinders, that would be a good start. dp the test dry, then wet, then post your results on here. somone might be able to give you a better answer from there.
My f-250 is bogging out when I give it any throttle I thought that it may be either the throttle position sensor or the air sensor that is located on the side of the throttle body?
Check the throttle position sensor
The throttle body spacer is a small piece of metal that is attached the back of a throttle body. It is suppose to change the airflow which can potentially give you more horsepower and better fuel economy.
give it more throttle!
check throttle position sensor.
racing throttle response .... gives you more acceleration when you are at your top speed... it releases throttle and give you some more acceleration.. i am one of the user of the bike and i have experienced it too
A snap throttle valve on a vehicle works by using dual internal valves that give a full on or off operation.