I just got a 1997 Sebring convertible and it has 4 seats. I have a friend with a 06 Sebring and it Also has 4
No, they are not the same.
get under the car and have a friend turn the key on and off...dont start the car but listen to the fuel pump it should make noise if it is clicking on...also use a test light to test the relays....could also try juicing the pump, hook up battery pack or jumper cables to wires on pump and see if it cycles
Often when a Chrysler Corp. vehicle has a dead battery or the battery is disconnected, the computer will loose it's configuration. When that happens it will display the "no bus" message. You may need to take it to the dealer to have the computer re-configured unless you have a smart friend who can do it for you..
Have a friend lay down under the back of the car (under the gas tank) and turn the ignition to run, but do not try to start the engine. They should hear the fuel pump run for a second or two, to prime the fuel system.
you take the battery's out and rub them on a friend's penis
3.33 minutes
If your car has a battery and it's dead, you can call a friend who has some jumper cables. You can hook the jumper cables up to his battery and your car's battery. It should create electricity that will renew your battery. If your car does not have a battery, you would have to push it or get it towed.
with a friend that's a guy maybe 3 minutes. Girlfriend 3 hours. Mom is 1 hour. and a girl thats a friend is 30 minutes
I had the same on an '04 Sebring Conv. 2.7L.I found the unit (with a mechanic friend's help) on the backside of the engine. It is right in the center of the engine towards the bottom. Sorry if that's a bit cryptic... If I remember right, you will need deep socket to get the unit out.
i wanted to call my friend but my phone ran out of battery.
Sometimes minutes or days even weeks