

You should not pass another vehicle?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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On the right.

PLEASE NOTE - the actual answer depends on your country. Every country has its own traffic laws. Re-ask the question giving a specific country please.

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Q: You should not pass another vehicle?
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When should you not pass another vehicle?

approaching an incline

When Under normal circumstances you should pass another vehicle on which side?

That depends on the country in which you live. Some countries drive on the left, others drive on the right and this will affect which side you pass another vehicle.

You may pass another vehicle on the right if it is waiting to?

Never. The only time you can pass another vehicle on the right is if there is a lane on that side you can go into to pass it.

When passing another vehicle on the highway you may?

No. If the vehicle you are passing is going at the correct speed, why should you need to overtake. When overtaking a vehicle you should ensure there is enough clear road ahead of you to pass the vehicle without over speeding. If this is not the case you should not attempt an overtaking manoeuvre.

Select a travel lane with the least amount of congestion and stay in the lane you have chosen until you need to turn?

pass another vehicle.

You should not pass another vehicle on a grade unless you can complete the maneuver in less than?

Less than 1/4 mile

If you are traveling on a one lane mountain road and encounter another vehicle and neither of you has room to pass who should yield and back up?

whichever vehicle was the one traveling uphill

Is it acceptable to increase the speed of your vehicle over the legal speed limit to pass or overtake another vehicle?

In practice, It is acceptable to increase the speed of your vehicle over the legal speed limit to pass or overtake another vehicle. Legally, it is not permitted. If the other vehicle is already at the speed limit, you should not be passing it. If it were a police car you were passing, at any speed above the speed limit, they could stop you.

Can you use the shoulder of the road to pass another vehicle?

You can, but you may not!

How many feet from a tunnel can you pass another vehicle?


What are the basic requirements for passing another vehicle?

To pass, you need to be in a passing zone. There should be a clear view of the road ahead and enough time to pass before meeting oncoming cars.

What are basic requirements for passing another vehicle?

To pass, you need to be in a passing zone. There should be a clear view of the road ahead and enough time to pass before meeting oncoming cars.