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Not always, you can, if nobody is there, you can use the other direction lane.

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Q: You should drive on the shoulder to pass a car only?
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When driving on a two-lane roadway you may pass the vehicle in front you if?

driving on a two-lane roadway you may pass the vehicle in front you if?

When is it illegal to drive on the shoulder?

In Oregon, when it is unpaved, has a bike lane, and you are not trying to pass someone turning left.

When passing on a two lane road should you pass on the right if the shoulder is clear?


If a truck is making a left turn from a one lane highway is it OK to pass him on the right?

Yes, but NOT if it requires you to drive on the shoulder to do so.

Is a shoulder pass used in basketball?

no the main passes in Basketball are, the javelin pass, chest pass, and long pass, these are the three main passes in basketbal with the long and javelin pass being similar in that they are used to get the ball up court for someone to drive into the key.

Can a person die from a shoulder dislocation?

I think it would be unlikely because it is only the shoulder popping out of it's socket , although , person who's shoulder is dislocated could pass out from the pain .. hope this helps :)

What are the three passes in netball?

1.Chest pass 2.Lobb Pass 3.Bounce pass

What is the right of way in a riding ring?

In America I have always been tought to "pass like cars" or pass left shoulder to left shoulder.

What is the biomechanics of netball shoulder pass?

im not sure you tell me SA Rules kristo t and Mario s waz here with josh l

Is OK to pass on the right if the shoulder is clear?


Is it legal to drive on the shoulder in Texas?

Yes, if you need to: 1 allow someone to pass 2 passing someone making a left turn 3 to help you in making a right turn to allow other to pass 4 emergency

Is the left lane the passing lane?

That depends on which country you a driving in.