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By law they have to pay for it! That's why you have it.

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Q: You have insurance but they dont want to pay for the wreck and damage to the other car to get fixed so do you pay for it out of your pocket?
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If you hit a car and damaged it but your car has no damage. Do you have to pay?

You hit the other car, so yes, you need to pay to have the other car fixed. Your insurance should do this. If not, it is out of your pocket.

Will insurance cover your car repair if you were the one who hit the uninsured person and you have coverage?

if you have full coverage insurance, yes it will cover you and other driver, depending on the limit of your collison coverage you have. if damage exceeds your coverage, then you have pay out of your own pocket to cover other driver's medical expense and damage. asian623

Should I pay for auto accident out of pocket?

No way! Do you have insurance? Does the other person? Who's fault? trade insurance info with the other person.

Who's auto insurance company will cover car damage if you hit a deer while driving another person's car?

In the US the insurance follows the vehicle, therefore the owners auto insurance will cover the damage as long as they have comprehensive (Other than collision) coverage. If they don't have coverage it comes out of someone's pocket. Another note is that insurance companies don't like it when you loan your vehicle to people not listed on the policy as a driver.

If i am at fault who pays for the other person damage?

You do. Or your insurance does.

What happens if you get into a motorcycle accident and you dont have insurance and its your fault in Florida?

You are responsible for the damage you cause in an accident, regardless if you are insured or not. Having insurance transfers your responsibility to pay for the damage from you to your insurance company. If there are injuries to the other party, then the other party's insurance should pay for their injuries, but you are still responsible for the property damage you have caused the other person.

What does the term 'insurance collision' mean?

Insurance collision is a form of automobile insurance that covers physical damage. In most situations the insurer pays for the insured injuries, damage to the vehicle of the insured, and if the insured is at fault it pays for the damage to the other vehicle, and the other driver.

What types of damage or events are included under catastrophic insurance coverage?

Catastrophic insurance coverage includes many damage or events caused by both natural disasters or other accidental damage to your home. Damage by events such as flooding, lightning, wind damage, and other weather events are generally covered. Some catastrophic insurance coverage policies also cover damage done by fire, but check with your insurance company to be sure.

Will insurance cover the cost of a claim if your vehicle is unregistered and im at fault?

The registration of the vehicle has really nothing to do with the insurance. If you have valid insurance at the time of the accident, then you will have coverage for the type of coverages on your policy. If you only had liability, then the other parties vehicle will be covered as well as injuries of the other party. Your car will not be fixed under liability, you have to have physical damage coverage for your vehicle to be repaired.

What is covered under CDW insurance?

The CDW (Collision Damage Waiver) insurance covers the following: Liability, collision, theft and other damage. This sort of insurance is offered by car rental companies.

Do insurance companies count it against you for a parking lot accident where both drivers backed up into each other?

Hello - I work in insurance and I'm guessing you mean you were both backing out and didn't see each other and both got hit... Hopefully (althouh just a small accident) you called the police and made a report - also if the other driver takes the same amount of responsibility then you will only need to pay the excess on your insurance to get the damage fixed - vice verser for the other driver - Neither of you are responsible for each other's damage.... Hope This helps :)

What if you didn't have insurance on motor bike and crashed but had health insurance?

Your health insurance would pay for your injuries. You would have no coverage for your liability (damage you caused to other people's property or persons) or for the damage to your motor bike.