

Best Answer

That depends on where ou live, what type of vehicle, etc. Try this: There are some web sites that will provide you an insurance quote online - fill out their form and they will email a quote to you. You don't have to buy it, just check around for prices. See the related links below for examples There are others. Go to and type "auto insurance quote California" in the search box.

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Q: You are 21 year old female new driver what will auto insurance cost in CA?
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Which companies offer affordable auto insurance to young drivers?

Auto insurance prices for young drivers are based on many factors. Is the driver a male or female, does the driver have good grades, does the driver live in a city or out in a rural area. All of these are factors in determining insurance rates. For the lowest cost, a young driver would probably do best to try to get insurance through their parent's insurance bundle.

How much is auto insurance going to cost for a first time driver?

about $100 a month depending on the state

Does insurance go up with a turbo charged car?

Not necessarily. The driver's age and driving record are more relevant to the cost of auto insurance.

What is the expense of an auto owners insurance?

It depends. There are many conditions that weigh in the cost of one's auto insurance. A person's age, location, gender, car type, and whether or not you are a good driver.

What are some tips to get cheaper auto insurance?

Some tips that are given to receive cheaper auto insurance include the type of insurance policy, reduce your risk reduce your cost, and being a good driver in general.

How much does auto insurance cost for a new driver in California?

Auto insurance rates depend on several factors, from your age to the type of car you are driving. An average amount for auto insurance in California would be between $2,000 and $3,000 per year.

Can you get auto insurance if you have not had auto insurance?

( maybe it will help you

What is the standard price for auto insurance?

The national average for car insurance was reported as $795.00 in 2007, and since then the rates have climbed. The statistics vary from state to state, city to city, and driver to driver. Many things such as driving record, age, and income can affect your auto insurance cost.

Does auto insurance for an accident prone driver cost extra?

Yes it does. Insurance companies are in business to make money and if somebody has a proven driving record of being unsafe, the policy will cost more. As he proves to be a safer driver, his premiums will go down.

What is the average cost of auto insurance in AZ?

The average cost of auto insurance depends on a lot of factors. Your age, driving record, location, type of car, and whether or not you have a garage or alarm, all play a factor in how much your auto insurance will cost.

About how much is auto insurance?

Auto insurance rate vary hugely depending on the drivers age, past convictions, kind of cover required and the make and type of car. There can be no 'about' figure considering there are so many variables. Insurance for a young inexperienced driver can exceed the actual cost of the car.

Where can one find low cost auto insurances quotes in the US?

One can find low cost auto insurance quotes in the US from the 'My Low Cost Auto'. Low cost quotes are also available from 'Cheap Car Insurance Auto' and 'State Farm'.