No, most policies exclude "mechanical breakdown" regardless of "any other cause or event that contributes concurrently or in any sequence" tot he loss.
Damage to anything covered by the landlord's insurance, because the landlord owns the property not the renter. Such damage would be covered under homeowner's insurance, because the homeowner owns the property.
Damage to anything covered by the landlord's insurance, because the landlord owns the property not the renter. Such damage would be covered under homeowner's insurance, because the homeowner owns the property.
That depends on your homeowner's policy. You would have to talk to your insurance agent.
This would be covered under Malicious or accidental damage if your insurance company provides this.
No. Liability insurance covers damage you do to someone else's property. Theft would be covered by comprehensive insurance. In most jurisdictions, liability insurance is required but comprehensive is not.
No, this would no be covered. The cause of the damage must be a covered cause such as fire, windstorm, theft, etc.
Homeowners insurance covers all property but the damage must be from a covered cause. I cannot think of a covered cause that would damage a drain field. More than likely the problem is from roots from trees or vegetation choking out the lines. This would not be covered.
If the garage is attached to your home then it would be covered under Coverage A of your policy. If the damage was caused by a bad storm then more than likely the damage would be covered under your policy. If you have a HO-3 policy then the damage should be covered. Call you agent and ask him/her to review your policy to determine if the damage is covered before you call your insurance company.
Only if it were damaged in a 'covered loss.' A covered loss would be a collision or other loss that would be covered under comprehensive (such as vandalism). You would need those coverages on your policy.
Insurance is VERY specific when it comes to when coverage starts. If you had the accident BEFORE you got insurance any damage sustained before you purchased the policy damage would not be covered. If you had an accident after the purchase of the policy then any damages would be covered.
Your policy will not specifically say it covers "hurricane" or "tornado" damage. If if covers wind, then your loss would be covered.
That would be covered under Your Builders General Liabiity Insurance Policy,