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Probably, yes.

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Q: Would a first moving violation affect state farm auto insurance rate?
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I received a parking violation in NY standing at bus stop but have a NC drivers license and plates will it affect my NC car insurance?

Well it's not a moving violation which is good. I would still pay the ticket the only thing it will affect is your ability to register a car in NY. If we were talking about a moving violation then I would say yes, it can affect you insurance. If you don't pay it will continue to grow and you will owe the state of NY a great deal of money.

Does a moving violation with 2 points issued affect insurance rates?

How is that possible? If you got no points (in California) from the viol;ation, like a seat belt or you went to traffic school, your insurance rates should not rise - how would they know?

Do no insurance tickets effect your insurance rate in Washington state?

It depends on the insurance company. Progressive dings you for it. I just dont understand why they would. If your violation is no insurance then how does that reflect your driving habits. The sheer fact of having insurance negates that type of moving violation.

Would Failure to obey highway sign make your rates go up?

Any moving violation has the potential to impact insurance rates.

Will driving with an expired registration increase your auto insurance premiums if both auto insurance and drivers license were current?

You can't be sure with all companies...but most would not increase your premium unless it is a moving violation. However, expired registration violation, parking ticket violations, and other non-moving violation may lead to license suspension. Now, that is a complete different story. Such suspension may cause your insurance company to non-renew your policy.

Will your insurance increase if you get a stop light ticket?

Yes. Running a stop light is a "moving violation", meaning a driver was actively controlling the vehicle. Same class as speeding or running a Stop sign. A non moving violation would be something like illegally parking or having expired plates.The rate change depends on your insurance provider. It is not as serious an insurance claim (where you would ask them for money to repair your or someone else's vehicle).

What was the most prevalent moving violation from 1999 to 2003?

I would think speeding would be the most prevalent moving violation for that period of time, but not quite sure.

If you get a non-moving violation in New York and get 2 points does a 19 year old's insurance premium go up?

Contact your insurance provider. Insurance companies usually use the point system when determining premiums, however some companies have their own system. I cannot offer any help beyond that without knowing the type of violation, your insurance provider, and the city where the ticket was issued. Furthermore, non moving violation usually don't carry any type of point penalization so I would check with your local court to verify this.

Does an Unreasonable and Imprudent Speed Ticket in Illinois violating Sec 346.572 count as a moving violation in Wisconsin?

That would be a moving violation. As such it will show up on your driving record.

How much would it cost in Wisconsin for your speeding ticket to be dropped from a moving violation to a non-moving violation?

Depends on the state traffic laws. And probbly if it was on an interstate or residential roadway.

How would violation of software license agreements affect life?

DUED :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

If you get three speeding violations what would happened to you?

Well depending on the violation, you could lose your license, and your insurance rate is definitely going to increase.Well depending on the violation, you could lose your license, and your insurance rate is definitely going to increase.Well depending on the violation, you could lose your license, and your insurance rate is definitely going to increase.Well depending on the violation, you could lose your license, and your insurance rate is definitely going to increase.Well depending on the violation, you could lose your license, and your insurance rate is definitely going to increase.Well depending on the violation, you could lose your license, and your insurance rate is definitely going to increase.