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Q: Would a dump truck have more inertia than a go kart?
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Is it possible to turn a go kart with no suspension into a go kart with suspension?

with torches and a welder, you can make it into a monster truck if u want

How does go-kart racing relate to science?

Kart racing is all about physics. Weight transfer, grip, inertia, momentum... and its all about tires if you have alot of bit in them or way to much bit in them AND HAVING A GO KART THAT IS SCALED OUT FOR WILL HELPP YOU U OUT TOO. but once you a go kart scaled and everything all you got to do is to be really smooth and just learn the TIRE GAME!!

Should there be a Paper Mario Kart?

Hm, yes that would be an excellent idea, considering the popularity with Mario Kart Wii and Mario Kart DS, I think that would be cool. It would make lots of money for Nintendo, that's for sure.

How does go karting relate to science?

Kart racing is all about physics. Weight transfer, grip, inertia, momentum... and its all about tires if you have alot of bit in them or way to much bit in them AND HAVING A GO KART THAT IS SCALED OUT FOR WILL HELPP YOU U OUT TOO. but once you a go kart scaled and everything all you got to do is to be really smooth and just learn the TIRE GAME!!

Mario Kart or game and watch?

It's your choice. I would choose Mario Kart in my own opinion.

Can you get Mario Kart for your phone?

No. But that would be awsome.

List seven passenger vehicles?

Side kart on a motorbike Car Bus Lorry Train Airplane Tram Truck Tank

Which is the fasteast kart on Mario Kart 7?

I would say the b dasher with slick tires. It has the highest speed.

How much money would it take to build robs kart on Mario kart?

$0. Just beat 50cc,100cc,150cc and 150cc MIRROR for R.O.B.'s kart.

Can you put a 2004 Chevy truck motor on a 1986 Chevy pick up truck?

You can put that engine in a go-kart ,IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.But as far as a direct bolt in NO. You would have to USE the 2004 transmission, computer, Fuel pump, complete wiring harness for the engine and transmission. speed sensors and wiring harness among other things. It would be a costly project to start and to finish.

What is the most current Mario Kart I or II?

I believe it is mario kart 7... not even kidding. Out for 3ds but to answer yours it would be II.

How do you make a solar powered go-kart?

Due to the inefficiencies in solar panel technology you likely could not create a direct feed go-kart which feeds solar power direct to an electrical motor to drive the kart. You would need to have solar panels set up to charge batteries and those batteries would then drive an electrical motor in a go kart.