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With most companies, yes. unless it was weather related in which case it would not go up.

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I disagree with the first answer. If your claim for damage is the result of an accident that is "entirely not your fault" your rates should NOT go up. They might not.. but GOOD luck when trying to switch insurance companies... collision claims will show up in your claims history database and the premiums WILl be higher.... it happened to me! In general, yes it will. Your rate is based on their actuarial calculations. Fault is not figured into the equation because they will still have to pay your benefits regardless of fault. Statistics show that most people who get into an accident are more likely to get into another one. For that reason, your rates are going to go up. With that in mind though. Most companies have a policy of forgiving the first accident. You will not be penalized for the first accident.

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Q: Will your insurance rates go up if you file a claim for damage that's entirely not your fault?
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If your car insurance fails to settle a claim against you when your at fault what happens?

Your fault, your problem! Any amount of damage above the limits of your insurance policy is your responsibility. Pay attention when you drive!

If you have PLPD and are involved in an accident does their insurance cover your car?

If the other party has insurance then their "property damage" coverage should cover damage to your vehicle. If you happen to be at fault or there is some question as to who is at fault then it might be hard to collect from their insurance company. Only if the other party is at fault. If you have collision insurance, you can file the claim with your own agent. Then you will be paid for your damages, less your deductible, and when your company collects from the other company you will also get your deductible. If you do not have collision, you will have to file your claim directly with the at-fault driver's insurance. If the company denies your claim (and unless there is very compelling evidence that their client was at fault, they will), you will have to sue the driver. Then, IF YOU WIN the lawsuit, their insurance will pay.

Who is at fault in accident if no one was cited?

This may result in a situation where each driver will need to file a claim with their own insurance company for the damage to there vehicle and then the two insurance companies may make a decision as to who was at fault at a later date. Sometimes fault is never determined.

If your air bags blow out in an accident that is not your fault will you recover damages?

You should contact the at fault party's insurance company and let them know you have a property damage claim. You will need an accident report. Photos of the damage or an estimate for repair will also be helpful.

Can you claim bodily injury from your insurance if you are not at fault?

yes of course.

If you hit someone with no-fault insurance will your car be fixed?

The problem with no fault insurance is that fault is usually assigned thus making no fault insurance an incorrect statement. Your collision coverage is where you would make the claim in this situation.

Can you sue at fault driver in California who has insurance if his insurance company refuses to pay your claim for medical expenses or do you have to sue his insurance company?

yes. you can sue an at fault driver if his insurance company refuses to pay your claim. it would not be proper to sue the insurance company.

If i am at fault who pays for the other person damage?

You do. Or your insurance does.

What if the delay in filing an insurance claim is the fault of the insurance company?

That's not very likely. The insurance company does not file your claim, they accept your claim notice from you. You have to file your claim with the company, not the other way around.

Can you file a claim on both insurance companies yours and the party at fault in an auto accident?

Yes, you can. However, ultimately it is the at fault party's insurance company that will pay for the claim. In such a case, you will file a claim under your collision coverage and be subjected to the deductible. Once the claim is settled, your company will subrogate the loss with the other company(i.e. get reimbursed). Once that happens, you will be provided your deductible back. If you go through the at fault party's policy, you would file the claim under the property damage of the policy.

Who it at fault when making an false auto insurance clame?

Whomever filed the false claim is at fault.