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This is a difficult question to answer, because really it depends on your carrier and, possibly, California laws that govern this sort of thing. Most likely, your carrier will consider this a "collision" loss, since your truck struck the cinder block (as opposed to a "comprehensive" loss, which among other things would include the cinder block flying off another vehicle and landing on your truck). Collision losses can result in rate revision, but not necessarily. If you make a claim for your damages, and your carrier understands that you were unable to avoid the cinder block, they probably won't find you at-fault for this loss. So, how do you convince them that you couldn't avoid the cinder block? Mention the traffic around you; if you swerved, would you have caused a more serious accident involving another vehicle? Were you coming up over a rise, or were you traveling into the sun? Would trying to avoid the cinder block have made you hit a concrete barrier, or possibly go off the road? Likewise, it would not be in your best interest to mention you were talking on a cell phone or lighting a cigarette when suddenly you saw the cinder block and hit it. Once you make your claim, don't rely on the claim adjuster to advise you on whether your rates will increase or not. The adjuster won't be able to help you (and for good reason. Claim departments and underwriting are kept separate so that claims handling is not influenced by the "business side" of things. Also, the claim adjuster may tell you it won't affect your rates, and then a while later you get a regular rate revision -- accident or not -- and you're left wondering why your rates increased when you were told they wouldn't). Instead, ask to speak with underwriting or have your agent ask for you. Some companies have thresholds for collision losses -- anywhere from $500 to $1,500 -- and don't review for rate increases for losses under that amount. And, again, finding you not at-fault would be helpful. Hope that helps.

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Q: Will your insurance premiums increase if you make a claim after an accident that wasn't your fault?
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A motor accident claim will make one's insurance premiums go up. Most insurance companies will do this at the time of renewal though.

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The majority of the times if you file a claim with your insurance company, your premiums will go up, regerdless of fault. Some companies have started accident forgivness programs but are usually bigger companies with higher rates.

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It is not worth it. Once you file a claim, your insurance premiums will increase for a couple of years. You should talk to your agent to see how long premiums will increase for and how much your increase will be. I would not file an insurance claim to get back $300. If it was over $1000, it might be worth it.

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Yes, some insurers have rules that even if there was an accident with no payout or no claim made, your premiums will be affected. So once you report the incident to your insurer, they will consider it a claim against your future premiums. However, there are some companies out there that will not hold the incident against you, so would recommend you shop around for the best rate based on your situation.

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A claim for windscreen glass will not normally affect the no claims discount of a motor insurance policy.... but your policy may be different, you need to read what it says.

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If a claim is made against his insurance...yes.

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Insurance rates always increase anytime a claim is made, regardless of the cause and circumstances. That's how they make money and stay in business.

Does the insurance agent submit the auto accident claim to the insurance company or do I ?

It is up to the driver to subit the auto accident claim. You should submit the claim as soon as possible after the accident.

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Any time you file a claim you run the risk of your premiums raising due to the labor the insurance company put into your claim.

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How the probability and statistics is apply in insurance?

They are used to understand how to set insurance premiums. Take, for example, car insurance. The probability of a new driver getting in an accident is higher than an experienced driver. The probability of a male driver getting in an accident is higher than an female driver (in general). The probability of a person who has had many claims filing another claim is higher than someone who has never filed a claim. All these data guide the insurance industry to charge higher premiums to drivers who are new, male or have filed claims in the past.

Will my insurance increase if my car was in an accident but i wasn't the driver. I lent someone my car and they got into an accident in my vehicle.?

If your Insurance company paid the claim then yes they can surcharge you for any chargeable accidents they paid out on your policy.