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It sounds like this person will be a regular driver and as such they should be listed on your insurance as a driver. In your policy you agree to list all household residents and regular drivers. They should be listed on your policy.

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Q: Will your auto insurance cover a permissive driver if you are disabled and cannot drive?
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Where can you get disabled driver car insurance?

All insurance companies will cover a disabled driver if they are able to pass the driving tests. Try for multiple quotes.

In Tennessee a girl got a speeding ticket in her mom's car and cannot find her mom's insurance card so also got a ticket for no insurance can she use her mom's insurance to eliminate that charge?

She can if she listed as an additional driver on the policy or the insurance policy allows for a permissive user.

What documentation is required for disabled driver car insurance?

You will need the proof that she is disabled. You can get this information from your doctor if you need it.

Whose auto insurance is primary in California registered owner or permissive driver?

The insurance on a vehicle should be in the name of the Registered owner of the vehicle. Any permissive driver should also be added to the policy as a driver if you are a regular driver or if you live in the household. Either of these requires that you be listed on the policy not both of these. The owner of the vehicle is bound by legal contract to add any regular drivers and household members. If these people are not added to the policy, the contract has been voided and the insurance company can decide not to pay any claims involving such unlisted drivers.

Can an unlicensed driver get insurance on a vehicle registered to them?

Why not. That unlicensed vehicle owner could be disabled and hired a licensed driver to drive the vehicle.

What are some good disabled driver car insurance companies to sign up with?

There are many good insurance companies that offer great plans and discounts for disabled drivers provided that they have good records. Check out Triple A insurance, for one.

Can a 16 year old drive any car as long as the owner has insurance?

They can as long as they are listed on the insurance policy for each vehicle OR there is a permissive user clause on the insurance which allows any driver to operate the car and still be covered.

Where can I purchase disabled driver car insurance?

Yes you can in fact do this online. You can go to any of the major insurance company websites, look at their options and purchase insurance.

What kind of car insurance can I get for a disabled driver in Georgia?

Insurance coverage's varies from state to state and for getting the information about the disabled driver in Georgia you call up to Geico customer care and talk with the executive and then for the rates you can negotiate with 2 to 3 providers and then pick the best one

If an adult sibling drives your car without insurance will your insurance still cover the auto if there is an accident?

The insurance on the car will cover unless the driver has been previously excluded the full provisions of the policy covering the vehicle applies with legal permissive use.

Will a disability affect my insurance quote Where can I get valid insurance for a disabled California driver?

In California a disability will not effect your insurance quote but if you are in southern state like Florida a disability will effect you insurance quote.

Can you get non-driver insurance if you are disabled?

Yes you can if you do not have a drivers license. You will need to list as drivers anyone who is going to drive you about.