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losing two points?? if you mean you got a ticket and it cost you two points on your license, yes, your insurance will definitely go up.

if you mean you had two points on you license and they are coming off--losing two points--then no, your insurance will go down a good amount.

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Q: Will your Insurance go up losing 2 points while driving?
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Does a texting while driving ticket add points to your driving record?

No, but your insurance company can still see the violation on your driving record and raise your rates at their discretion.

If you have an accident while driving someone else's car does it effect your own insurance?

it might not affect you current policy but after renewal the points you received in that accident with Hurt you.

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This varies between insurance carriers, and takes into consideration your age, driving history, vehicle being driven while insured ... call your auto insurance agent today.

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In any place I've lived, whoever is driving gets the citation and the points.

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If someone else gets a ticket while driving your car will your insurance go up?

If they were driving it with your knowledge or permission, yes. Actually, no it won't. Each person is liable for their own actions, regardless of the car they are in. The driver's insurance will go up and would also be liable for any criminal acts. I would assume that if someone else is involved in an accident, while driving your car, your rates will go up? Your insurance will NOT be affected if someone used your car and got a citation BUT,,, If they had an accident and had NO insurance YOU would be involved. If your registration and or insurance is not up to date, you and the driver will pay some fines and get violation points for the above.

If you have an accident while driving another person's car will your insurance or the owner's pay the claim?

Auto Insurance follows the car not the driver. My son's girlfriend was driving his car when they where in an accident and his insurance was responsible.

Are there points for talking on cell phone while driving in NJ?

NO, there are no points. It's a $100 fine. Thats it

If you get a speeding ticket while driving a rental car will your insurance go up?

Insurance rates are based primarily on your personal driving habits and record, so if you receive a ticket while driving a rental car it can still be reported to your insurance company because the citing officer has your drivers license information. So in short, it is definitely possible for your insurance company to raise your rate based on a speeding ticket you received while driving a rented vehicle.

Is my insurance and driving record affected if i have an at fault accident while driving a friend's car?

yes. it goes on your record and insurance companys look at you record from time to time