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They can but there is no telling how fast they will get to it. They have to go thru lawyers and the courts first. Most cases this can be avoided by setting up some sort of payment plan.

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Q: Will the bank garnish wages after repossessing a car with a deficiency on it?
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In Pennsylvania can a creditor garnish your wages or levy your bank account?

They can levy bank accounts in most cases, they cannot garnish wages.

Can a creditor garnish wages and seize money from a bank account in Michigan?

A creditor can garnish wages or attach assets if they have obtained a judgment against the debtor.

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If you owe a debt to a bank they can seek a petition from the court to garnish your wages.

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If a court or the government required garnishment of wages, then it would not matter what bank the account was in.

Can a federal agency garnish wages without a court order?

Sometimes. The ability to garnish without a court order depends on the federal agency involved. The IRS, however, can always garnish wages and bank accounts without a court order.

If you voluntarily give your car back to bank can they garnish your wages or put a lien on your home?

In most cases YES. You should talk to an attorney in your area for state specific advice. Yes, if the lender obtains a judgment for the deficiency.

Can a creditor garnish your bank accounts in Fl without notification?

The only way your bank account can be garnished--is if there is an court order. If they took you to court and receive a judgment against you, yes they can garnish your wages. Also, if you were summon to court but did not show up, it will be judgment by default and your wages and bank account can be garnised.

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garnish their bank account or their wages

You live in Texas if you give your car bac to the bank what is the worst thing that can happen Can they garnish your wages or sue you?

After the lender gets a judgment they can garnish your wages but they cannot getyour house unless you used it as collateral for the car loan.

Can a creditor garnish wages for an FHA loan in Texas?

Yes they can garnish and if you try to run from it eventually you will go to bank and your bank account will be frozen so best advice make as much effort as you can if you work with them they will work with you.

Can a bank take your other assets after repossession of vehicle in Ga?

Our company that refinanced the vehicle is threatning to garnish wages and garnish our other vehicle (of which is paid for) and other assets.

Can they garnish your wages for a repo in nc?

No you can only garnish wages for Taxes, student Loans, Child and spouse support, and payment of ambulance services in some cases. or If the federal or state courts make the employer garnish wage. Bank loans for Vehicle, house, or credit cards are usually not permisable for garnishing wages in NC. Hope this helps.