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Your health insurance will cover you no matter how you got hurt. I can take a knife and stick it in my arm and go to the hospital and my health insurance will cover me. The only times your health insurance will not cover you is if you have specific exemptions in your coverage, which are rare.

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Q: Will my health insurance refuse to pay if I am in an accident and if I don't have car insurance?
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How can you locate a person's insurance company when they refuse to tell you who it is?

if it is regarding an accident call the police they cant refuse to tell them(they probably dont have one if they wont tell you)

If you have an auto accident and don't have insurance will the person responsible for the accident insurance pay for your repairs?

dont do nothing just relax and watch a movie

Can a hospital refuse treatment if dont have insurance?

No. As long as you can make the payments for all the fees and hospital charges, they cannot refuse treatment.

Do you get health insurance in the MLB?

I dont think so ,no

Do you have to call your insurance company after an accident where your car has no damage?

no you dont. if you do not with to file a claim you do not have to report it no you dont. if you do not with to file a claim you do not have to report it

How do you shop for health insurance?

helll i dont knoe ahahahahah

Do you have health insurance for international travel to South Africa?

no you dont have to

What insurance does nurses get?

Yes they get insurance they have to work dont they... they get at least 500000 in cash for dental and health care......lamo

What is covered by health insurance?

i dont know im tryin to work it out myself

Should the government provides health insurance?

yeah they should but i dont think that they do

Is health insurance bad?

no it's not bad it just costs alot! serriously get HEALTH INSURANCE! if you dont just a stupid cold witha doc visit will be 566$

How expensive can spine surgery be?

Spine surgery can be very expensive depending on the type of health insurance you have and what it covers. if you dont have health insurance you will be expected to pay for the surgery out of pocket.