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NO. The mortgage company does not warranty the purchased home.

However, If you have acquired equity in the home you might be able to take an additional loan (second mortgage) on the equity to effect you repairs.

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It is the Homeowners responsibility to provide property hazard insurance under the terms of your mortgage. If the Mortgage company has to purchase it for you then it means your already in violation of your Home Finance Contract and subject to default.

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The real beneficiary from a mortgage insurance claim is ultimately the insurance company that provided you with the mortgage insurance in the first place.

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Mortgage life and disability insurance is offered by such companies as State Farm, Total Mortgage Protection, and Family Insurance. Of these, State Farm is probably the best, receiving an average score of 80 out of 100 on the website Viewpoints, based on 775 reviews. It is the second-best-rated insurance company on the website, behind USAA.

How do you know if you had mortgage insurance?

This depends on what you mean by mortgage insurance. If you are talking about products like PMI (Premium Mortgage Insurance) look on your escrow billing and it will be listed. If you are talking about a life insurance policy that would be either through credit life with your mortgage company or separately through an insurance company.

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The insurance company Geico allows potential customers to see what their insurance rates would be on their website. Also, the insurance companies State Farm and Progressive also offers the same abilities online.

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One of the larger insurance companies in the UK is the insurance company Legal & General. Another of the larger insurance companies is the company Aviva.

Does mortgage company know the change of the homeowner insurance to landlord insurance?

Your Insurance Company is required by law to provide a copy of insurance policy at renewal time to your mortgage company and to notify them of any endorsements or changes in coverage. They may Notice it if they review your policy.

Which is the most popular mortgage insurance company in the UK?

The most popular mortgage insurance company in the United Kingdom is Genworth. They are a Fortune 500 company which also operates worldwide in over 25 countries.

What is mortage insurance?

The term Mortgage Insurance can mean different things to different people and in a variety of situations. I have heard it refer to life insurance designed to pay off a mortgage balance due to death of an insured person. another type of Mortgage Insurance is products such a PMI, which indemnifies a bank or mortgage company in the case of a default on a mortgage loan. In this type of mortgage insurance the person who takes out the loan pays the premiums through their house payments, but will not receive any benefit from the insurance as the only one who gets paid is the bank or mortgage company. The insurance company can then still come after the borrower for the amount of their loss.

Can a mortgage company sell your loan?

A mortgage company can sell your home for the right price. Often times mortgage companies will offer you an alternative to selling your loan so that you get the best deal available to you. See the related links for mortgage companies in Texas.