Yes. Premiums are determined on the driving abilities of the the insured as evidenced by his driving/claims record.
Four accidents are about average for a period of 20 years. Getting involved in that many accidents in such a short period of time is going to result in very high rates.
Any licensed car insurance company can write a policy for you. Most companies only write car insurance policies for 6 months so that should be easy to find.
That is impossible to answer accurately because so many auto accidents go unreported to either police or insurance companies.
There would only be a lower rate if you haven't had any accidents in the last year. Each year you go without an accident or ticket your car insurance will be lowered.
The insurance company distrust the drivers of the community causing a fluctuation in the price of insurance due to unsafe drivers. The whole community can suffer because of this.
Normally this would not cause an insurance policy to increase, but it is possible. Every insurance company is different and have different rates. You should check with your insurance company directly and ask. Not at fault accidents can effect the price of a policy when the policy is new business with a company.
Will Homeowners Insurance cover an Auto Accident?No, Homeowners Insurance Policies do not provide coverage for Auto Accidents.____________________________________________________________________Other AnswersNo. If he wasn't insured on the car, then there is no way to claim any of his insurance on it. He will simply have to pay himself.
Contact your insurance provider and go over the policy to determine if you are covered for said accident. Not all accidents will be technicalities or covered, so its good to be in the know. Contact your insurance providers immediately.
A lady can go to a car insurance company's local office to find cheap car insurance. Some car insurance companies that offer cheap car insurance include GEICO and State Farm.
Yes, your insurance will go up when you have a teen or new driver. The insurance will go down as they drive with no accidents.
because they are the first responders
No, insurance does not go up by the color of your car. I've talked to an insurance agent in person about it.
Most likely yes. All accidents for which we are at fault can effect our insurance rates.